Equality & Diversity
Equal Opportunities Statement Diversity enriches our communities and is celebrated in our schools and training programmes.
All members of Wandsworth Primary Schools’ Consortium - tutors, trainees, teachers, mentors and headteachers - actively welcome diversity. We oppose all forms of discrimination on the basis of gender, age, disability, race, ethnic origin, socio-economic background, sexual orientation, marital status, family or carer responsibilities, religious or political beliefs. Each consortium school has its own equal opportunities policy which is made available to trainees at the start of their school experience and placements are made in the light of individual needs.
We are committed to fair and equal treatment of all individuals and will challenge and work towards the elimination of discrimination at all levels e.g. in the content or organisation of courses, the materials used and the attitudes and values promoted. We are committed to full compliance with the Equalities Act and, through our Equality and Diversity Committee, seek to review our commitment to inclusion on a regular basis.
Harassment or bullying is never acceptable and appropriate disciplinary or legal action will be taken to deal with any breaches of a trainee or other’s right to respect and safety in their place of work or study. We aim to improve our accessibility and provision for trainees and others in order for all to fully participate in what SCITT has to offer. The reporting of any concerns arising in respect of the above is clearly laid out in the school experience and general course handbooks.
Sam Steward, Course Director (on behalf of the WPSC Management Board) September 2023