PGCE Entry Requirements
We are looking for high calibre candidates who are keen to train on a school-centred programme working closely with one another and with their tutors and mentors.
Our approach to initial teacher education aims to be as personalised as possible, taking into account any relevant prior experience and promoting reflective learning from the start of the course. This enables us to work with a range of applicants with varied entry points.
Minimum entry requirements are:
- An honours degree, preferably 2:2 or above, from a UK higher education institution or equivalent overseas qualification.
- GCSE grade 4 or above (C or above for examinations taken prior to 2017) in English Language, Science and Mathematics.
- Competency in the fundamental skills of English and Mathematics.
- An enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service and Health checking process that identifies no concerns about suitability to teach.
WPSC is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Candidates who are invited to interview will be required to give relevant details of any gaps in employment or study and these will be discussed in the interview. Candidates will also be asked to complete a safeguarding declaration.
All candidates who are offered a place will be required to have a satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) criminal records check in Child Workforce as a condition of acceptance to the PGCE. We will also carry out a check of the prohibition from teaching list upon programme enrolment.
All candidates who are offered a place and have lived or worked outside of the UK for a period of 3 months or longer (in the last 5 years), will be asked to apply for a Certificate of Good Conduct in addition to their DBS check.
All candidates who are offered a place on a PGCE programme will be required to provide references from two professional individuals.
As part of our due diligence process, we may also carry out an online search for candidates who are offered a place on the course and this may affect the status of the original offer.
Fitness to Teach
It is a requirement under the Education Act 2020 for the health of all applicants to be assessed. The aim of the fitness to teach requirement is to ensure that a future teacher has both the physical and mental fitness to perform their duties without putting children and young people at risk.
Your questionnaire will enable us to make well-informed decisions about your fitness to teach and to consider any reasonable adjustments that may be necessary.
Higher Education (HE) credits
A first degree comprises 300 HE credit points of which 60 must be at a level 6 of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF).
An Honours degree comprises 360 HE credit points of which 90 must be at level 6.
As two of the modules undertaken for the PGCE are at Master’s level (level 7) it is expected that applicants will typically have at least a 2:2 in their first degree. However, we recognise that applicants with a third class degree may also have suitable experience and skills from their wider career and we will shortlist accordingly.
Proof of First Degree
Typically, the original certificate of a first degree must be produced at interview.
Proof of first degree is essential before entry to the ITT course and if degree certification is delayed for any reason, WPSC will seek written confirmation of the degree status from the awarding institution.
If an applicant is awaiting the results of a first degree being completed in the year of application, written proof of this award must be provided no later than 31st July and the original certificate must be seen as soon as it is produced by the awarding institution.
GCSEs in Mathematics, English Language, and Science
Original certificates of GCSE or equivalents should be produced at interview. If an applicant is awaiting the award of a GCSE or equivalent the certificate of proof of this must be provided no later than 31st August.
We do not accept English taught as a second language or English Literature to meet our GCSE English Language requirement. We do not accept BTEC, functional skills or Access qualifications in place of GCSEs. Qualifications in Adult Literacy and Numeracy are not regarded as equivalent to GCSE.
If you do not yet meet the GCSE requirement in any of these subjects, you can take your tests externally via Equivalency Testing or A*Star Equivalency.
Overseas Applicants
If the applicants' academic degree and / or high school qualifications were awarded by a body from outside the UK it must be proven, by confirmation from UK ENIC (formerly known as UK NARIC), that they are equivalent to the standard required for entry to the programme.
You will need to bring the ENIC proof of recognition of qualifications to interview.
English Language Requirements
All non-UK applicants must meet our English language requirement, which is Academic IELTS of 6.5 overall, with no element below 6.0. Make sure you read our full guidance about English language requirements, which includes details of other qualifications we consider. Applicants from a recognised majority English speaking countries (MESCs) do not need to meet these requirements.
Applicants from a recognised majority English speaking countries (MESCs) do not need to meet these requirements.
Competency in the fundamental skills of English and maths
All prospective teachers are expected to be competent in the Fundamental Skills for English and mathematics.
We will use diagnostic activities during the recruitment process to see where applicants are at the initial stage of their journey to become a teacher. These will be used to inform training needs so that we can help ensure that all fundamental skills are secure before the end of the training year.
By the end of the teacher training year, all trainees must be able to demonstrate competence in the following areas:
Speaking, listening and communicating
- Use standard English grammar, clear pronunciation and vocabulary relevant to the situation to convey instructions, questions, information, concepts and ideas with clarity.
- Read fluently and with good understanding
- Write clearly, accurately, legibly and coherently using correct spelling and punctuation.
- Use data and graphs to interpret information, identify patterns and trends and draw appropriate conclusions.
- Interpret pupil data and understand statistics and graphs in the news, academic reports and relevant papers.
- Complete mathematical calculations fluently with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Solve mathematical problems using a variety of methods and approaches including: estimating and rounding, sense checking answers, breaking down problems into simpler steps and explaining and justifying answers using appropriate language.
Supporting materials
The following texts/websites are very useful sources of support:
Carol Vorderman ‘Help Your Kids With…’ books. There is a very good selection of English and Maths books - outstanding reference guides with an at a glance guide to all topics
CGP revision booklets are brilliant and are only £5.95 each - child friendly explanations really help adults too.
‘Mathematics explained for Primary Teachers’ Derek Haylock- a core book for use whilst teaching Mathematics.
Experience with children in primary school (desirable)
Having experience in a primary school before your training year ensures you are making a well-informed decision, based on a sound knowledge of the demands and expectations of the job.
If you have not yet got this experience, it is highly desirable that you can demonstrate readiness to take this up before joining the course.
It is advised that candidates state clearly on their application form when and where they have arranged to acquire school experience if they have not completed this before submitting their form to DfE Apply.
Finding a placement for school experience
If you need support to find a placement for school experience please register with Train to Teach to access their School Experience Programme (SEP).
You can book school experience through the SEP portal at one of the participating schools on the database. Alternatively, contact us directly on 0203 488 2805 to arrange a placement in one of our partner schools.